Were you injured in an Oceanside car accident? Did you miss work due to your injuries? Are you now facing a seemingly endless stream of medical bills?

BEST Oceanside Car Accident Lawyer Near You

Were you injured in an Oceanside car accident? Did you miss work due to your injuries? Are you now facing a seemingly endless stream of medical bills? Are you struggling to cover the costs of your regular monthly bills in addition to your accident-related medical expenses? Are you wondering what you can do to hold the negligent driver legally accountable? If so, you need an Oceanside car accident law firm with experience handling these complex cases. You need a respected lawyer who understands the difficulties you face during the recovery process. You need an advocate who will effectively deal with the insurance company so you can focus on your recovery. You need the experienced Oceanside car accident attorneys at The Levinson Law Group.

The Levinson Law Group is a Southern California personal injury law firm specializing in motor vehicle collisions. Attorney Gordon Levinson founded The Levinson Law Group to help accident victims recover the compensation they need to move on with their lives after an accident. Our attorneys have over 40 years of combined experience working closely with car accident victims to overcome the challenges they face when seeking justice after a serious accident.

How Common Are Car Accidents in Oceanside, California?

Car accidents are one of the leading causes of preventable injury in Oceanside and throughout California. According to the most recently available data:

  • Someone is injured in a California car accident every minute and 53 seconds.
  • Someone is killed in a California car accident every two hours and 14 minutes.

The California Highway Patrol maintains a database called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS). This database documents every car accident in the state. According to the most recently available data, 227,160 people were injured in 193,564 non-fatal California car accidents in 2017. Additionally, over 3,900 people were killed in fatal California car accidents that same year.

In Oceanside specifically, there were more than 800 car accidents. These accidents resulted in more than 750 serious injuries and 17 fatalities. This includes:

  • 685 people who were injured and 22 killed in DUI accidents;
  • 552 people who were injured and 30 killed in pedestrian accidents; and
  • 599 people who were injured and 20 killed in motorcycle accidents.

At The Levinson Law Group, we represent drivers, passengers, motorcyclists, pedestrians, and bicyclists in personal injury cases against negligent motorists. We can help you hold the negligent driver who caused your injuries accountable. Not only can this result in you and your family obtaining much-needed compensation for what you have been through, but it does a small part to make the roads a safer place for everyone else by discouraging negligent driving behavior.

Causes of Car Accidents in Oceanside, CA

Car accidents do not just happen; they are almost always the result of one or more drivers’ negligence. While there are many possible causes of an Oceanside car accident, the most common causes of accidents include:

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol

Each year, more than 700 people are killed and another 13,500 injured due to drunk and drugged drivers. While every driver learns about the dangers of impaired driving, many motorists fail to take these dangers seriously, getting behind the wheel after having too much to drink or taking mind-altering substances. Drunk driving accidents are not only common, but they also tend to result in severe injuries because these collisions often involve high speeds and direct impacts.


Speeding is the single leading cause of California car accidents. In 2017, there were nearly 64,000 accidents caused by speeding drivers. Almost a third of all car accidents in California involve speeding. When a driver speeds, they are often unable to respond in time to avoid an accident. For example, if you pull out into the road from a parking lot, a driver may not have time to avoid colliding with you if they are going too fast. In some cases, a speeding driver loses their right of way, meaning you still may be able to hold a driver accountable even if you made a minor traffic mistake.

Distracted Driving

According to the California Highway Patrol, distracted driving is among the state’s leading causes of car accidents. The most common types of distracted driving behavior include:

  • Talking to passengers
  • Use of cell phones or other electronic devices
  • Changing the radio
  • Scrolling social media
  • Attending to children
  • Eating and drinking
  • Smoking

While experts agree that distracted driving is a major cause of car accidents, many believe distracted driving is underreported because proving a driver was distracted can be challenging. For example, unless there are cell phone records, an admission from the driver, or eyewitness testimony, it can be difficult to determine whether a driver was distracted in the moments leading up to a crash.

Aggressive Driving

When most people think of aggressive driving, speeding comes to mind. However, speeding is just one type of aggressive driving. Other forms of aggressive driving include:

  • Sudden changing lanes
  • Reckless driving
  • Making a turn without signaling
  • Cutting other drivers off
  • Tailgating
  • Road rage
  • Sudden braking
  • Swerving in and out of traffic

Aggressive drivers frequently think they are “better drivers” and can maintain control while engaging in these dangerous behaviors. However, that is not the case; aggressive driving puts everyone on the road at risk, and aggressive drivers should be held accountable for their disregard of fellow motorists.

Common Personal Injuries in an Car Accident in Oceanside, California

Car accidents change your life at a moment’s notice. One moment, you are going about your everyday routine, and the next, your life is turned upside down. Often, accident victims sustain serious physical injuries in an accident that can have a lifelong impact on their ability to live their lives the way they had planned. Common injuries in an Oceanside car accident include:

At The Levinson Law Group, we recognize that the days and weeks after an accident are an incredibly challenging time for you and your family. We understand that picking up the phone to call a lawyer to discuss the accident may not be at the top of your priority list. However, we also believe it is not right for you and your family to be on the hook for another driver’s negligence. Our Oceanside car accident lawyers have developed an effective and efficient system for handling these cases that removes as many of the burdens from you as possible. When you bring The Levinson Law Group onto your case, we will handle everything so you can focus on your recovery.

Damages in a San Diego County Car Accident

Bringing a personal injury lawsuit following an Oceanside car accident accomplishes two important things. First, it makes the roads safer by discouraging drivers from engaging in negligent and reckless conduct. It also allows you and your family to obtain much-needed compensation to help you cover your accident-related expenses.

California law provides for two types of damages in car accident claims: compensatory and punitive damages. Compensatory damages provide motorists with money damages to cover the costs of the injuries they suffered in the crash. Compensatory damages are made up of economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages refer to the out-of-pocket expenses you face as a result of the accident. Examples of compensatory damages include:

  • Past medical expenses
  • Future medical care costs
  • Lost wages
  • Decrease in your ability to earn income
  • Property damage
  • Any other out-of-pocket expenses, such as transportation to and from doctor’s appointments or any necessary modifications to your home

You can often establish your economic damages by presenting objective proof, such as medical bills, proof of income or receipts.

Non-economic damages, on the other hand, compensate you for the emotional and psychological effect the accident had on your life. Non-economic damages are more subjective, as accidents impact everyone’s life in different ways. Common examples of non-economic damages in an Oceanside car accident lawsuit include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Disability or disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium

The other type of damages in a California car accident claim is punitive damages. Punitive damages focus on punishing an at-fault party for their conduct that caused the accident. Punitive damages are not always available, as courts reserve these damages for instances of, especially, egregious conduct. Thus, they are typically only available when you can show that the at-fault driver acted with malice, oppression, or fraud.

The respected Oceanside motor vehicle accident lawyers at The Levinson Law Group have over 40 years of experience in helping accident victims hold negligent drivers accountable for their actions. We take the time to identify the full extent of your economic and non-economic damages to ensure that your family is fairly compensated for what they have been through.

Why Choose The Personal Injury Lawyers in Oceanside at The Levinson Group

If you have been hurt in a car accident, there are undoubtedly dozens of Oceanside personal injury lawyers who will take your case. However, your decision on which attorney represents your interests is an incredibly important one. You deserve an attorney who will take your case as seriously as you do. Below are a few reasons why The Levinson Law Group is particularly well-suited to handle your case.


Our attorneys have extensive experience handling all stages of an Oceanside car accident claim. Collectively, our attorneys have more than 40 years of experience representing accident victims against negligent drivers and insurance companies. The Levinson Law Group founder, attorney Gordon Levinson, spent years working for insurance companies, learning how they handle these cases. This provides us with unique insight, which we put into each of our many clients’ cases.


Unlike many other local personal injury law firms, we do not handle every case that comes across our desk. We only represent clients who were injured in motor vehicle accidents. This narrow focus provides us with unrivaled knowledge and experience.


Since The Levinson Law Group was founded, we have recovered over $100 million on behalf of more than 3,500 injured clients. A few of our recent victories include:

  • $1.25 million in a pedestrian accident lawsuit
  • $1 million in a case involving a client injured in a serious truck accident
  • $750,000 in a wrongful death case involving a fatal car accident
  • $600,000 on behalf of a client injured in a California car accident
  • $500,000 on behalf of an injured motorist

You only get one chance to bring an Oceanside car accident lawsuit, and you should make sure it counts. At The Levinson Law Firm, we will aggressively represent your interests from the moment you bring us onto your case.

Reach Out to a Knowledgeable and Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer Near You in Oceanside, California

If you or someone you love has recently suffered serious injuries in a Southern California car accident, reach out to the dedicated personal injury lawyers at The Levinson Law Group. Our skilled Oceanside personal injury lawyers are available to meet with you to discuss your case immediately. We understand that you may be hesitant to file a claim and will never try to “sell” you on doing so. We are here to inform you of your rights so you can make the best decision for your family. If that means you decided to bring a case, great. If you decide it is not for you, we will respect your decision.

When you decide to work with The Levinson Law Group, you will know that you have someone in your corner throughout the entire process. We begin by explaining the recovery process in understandable terms and ensure we are available to answer your questions whenever they come up. To learn more about your options, give The Levinson Law Group a call at 760-827-1700. You can also connect with us through our online contact form. We accept cases on a contingent fee. That means that if there is no recovery in your case, you pay no fee. And in most cases, we even advance the costs.