30 Jan 2015,

What Is A Severe Brain Injury?

Have you or a loved one suffered a severe brain injury due to the negligent, reckless or careless behavior of another party? If so, you need immediate medical care even though you may not be experiencing symptoms immediately following the accident. Even with a mild brain injury, the victim can suffer from life-altering, permanent disabilities.

The Levinson Law Group(brain injury attorney) is headed by Gordon R. Levinson, a former insurance company lawyer who now uses his extensive experience to help victims of severe brain injury receive compensation from the at-fault party in order to pay for the medical care they need as they continue to recover and try to get back to living a normal life. For your free consultation, call (760) 642-5475 today. We accept cases on a contingent fee. That means that if there is no recovery in your case you pay no fee. And in most cases, we even advance the costs.

What are the Types of Severe Brain Injury?

You can suffer a severe brain injury in a variety of situations including automobile accidents, motorcycle accidents, commercial trucking accidents, falls and workplace accidents. Regardless of the type of accident, a severe brain injury is a serious medical condition that requires immediate medical care. There are two types of severe brain injury: closed brain injury and penetrating brain injury.

In a closed brain injury, the head is struck against or by an object causing the brain to “bounce against” the skull. The impact causes the brain to violently move within the brain causing bruising, bleeding and damage to the cells, tissue and nerves. The damage can be localized to the area beneath the impact or, in the case of whiplash, it may be widespread depending on how violently the brain moves within the skull. With a penetrating brain injury, an object penetrates the skull and enters the brain tissue. The damage will depend on the severity of penetration as well as the area that the object enters the brain.

Symptoms of severe brain injury include but are not limited to:

  • Loss of consciousness although it is not necessary to lose consciousness
  • Headaches and/or chronic pain
  • Vomiting and/or nausea
  • Dizziness or lack of coordination
  • Blurred vision, slurred speech, hearing problems and sensory difficulties
  • Difficulty speaking or understanding spoken words
  • Coma
  • Paralysis
  • Memory loss or inability to concentrate
  • Behavior and/or mood changes
  • Seizures
  • Sleep disorders
What Is A Severe Brain Injury

Getting the Help You Need for a Severe Brain Injury

Symptoms of a severe brain injury may not be present immediately following the injury or symptoms may be mild but get increasingly worse in the days and weeks following the accident. If are involved in an accident, it is imperative that you seek medical treatment even though you may not be experiencing symptoms. After you have taken care of your medical needs, contact our office so that we can fight for your rights as you heal from the life-altering injuries caused by severe brain injury and progress through healing to gratitude, forgiveness and ultimately closure and peace.