Traffic Collision Report: Carlsbad Police Department

After you get into a car accident, having a copy of your accident report can help you file a claim with your insurance company. If you have been in an accident, and the Carlsbad Police Department filled out a police report, then you can get a copy of the collision report by calling the records division. If you’ve been injured, our Carlsbad accident lawyer near you can help.
What is a Carlsbad Police Report?
A police report, accident report, or collision report is a document made by the police officer who responds to a car crash. After a traffic accident, your insurance company will want to see a copy of the police report to inform their own investigation into what happened. You may also be able to use the police report as evidence in small claims court.
What is in a Carlsbad Police Report?
While different cities may include different items in an accident report, a report often includes:
- Date of the collision
- Time of the collision
- Location of the collision
- Information on the parties involved in the car accident, such as:
- Names
- Addresses
- Phone numbers
- Insurance information
- Names and contact information of any witnesses
- Vehicle damage illustration showing the damaged areas of both cars
- Description of the weather, road, and lighting conditions of the crash
- Diagram of the accident
- Statements from parties involved in the crash and any witnesses
- Any citations or violations of the law
- The officers’ opinions of the cause of the collision
- The officers’ opinions as to who was at-fault
How to Get a Collision Report from the Carlsbad Police Department
You can request a copy of your Carlsbad police report by calling the records division at 760-931-2119 with your case number.
There is an $11 charge per report, except for victims of a crime who are entitled to 1 free copy. It will take 7-10 days to process your collision report.
For more information visit the City of Carlsbad’s official website or call the records division at 760-931-2119.